Saturday, May 26, 2007

chapter : 02 - ignorance is bliss

i just took the ept test in FIB UI
i think i did just ok (or i think i did)


today, i just witnessed with my own eyes the act of total ungratefulness of people
when you did something with an effort (even with the littlest effort), you expect that your action is going to be appreciated even just for a bit
but, when that someone didn't even give you a simple "thank you", and just asked for more from you
in my mind i just said "hell no!"
i'm not going to waste my time to freaking help you with something
no way mister!
you are f*cking dreaming if you thought that i'm going to help you again

note to you: just try to say "thanks" for crying out loud


when you feel so comfortable in your own little bubble, you just forget about your environment
sometimes, it is a good thing
but, when you started seeing some trouble happening in your "little safety bubble" and you don't have a back-up plan, what are you going to do?
when i was in high school, this sort of problem going to stopped my little world instantly and i'm going to try everything to fix my "little safety bubble"
but, i think that i've grown up since then
today, i just ignored it
i just sat and let my "little safety bubble" faded away, slowly
and i didn't feel like doing something to repair it (for now)
i don't know if i'm going to do something to repair it in the future
but not in this short period of time
not right now
sometimes, ignorance is bliss

Saturday, May 12, 2007

chapter : 01 - introduction


just wanna say, i am sick and tired of all the assignment.
i just wanna take a long and relaxing vacation.

(yay.. i got a new blog.)